Why Pilates?

Pilates is wonderful for everyone.

ANYBODY, regardless of age or existing fitness ability, can benefit massively from regularly attending Pilates.

You will very quickly start to notice IMPROVEMENTS: Core Strength, Posture, Energy, Balance, Flexibility & Mobility, Body awareness, Cognitive functioning, Bone strength, Sleeping patterns, Mood, Sports performance

You will just as quickly start to notice a DECREASE in: Back Pain, Stiffness, Injuries and Stress

I will motivate you to want more. I pride myself on a workout that is safe, effective, and challenging enough for you at where you are at.

It gets even better, the amazing part is every single exercise can and will be modified to meet you, where your body is that day!

Why Pivotal Pilates?

At Pivotal Pilates, Rachel has a mixture of Peak Pilates and Balanced Body Apparatus, therefore, offering support for you all.

The apparatus helps you to feel exercises that you may otherwise think you couldn’t achieve without it.

The design of the apparatus is to assist you (when you need more support) and resist (when you are looking for a more challenging workout).

Bespoke Home Pilates Studio

”Return to Life”
~ Joseph Pilates


Pedal Pull
Foot Corrector
Peak Tower
Bean Bag

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